GET A MOVE ON If you think getting a group of Oxen motivated to fly is easy you’ve clearly never spent time with winged variety. They’re big, slow moving and need a LONG runway to unfurl those wings…..but eventually they get over the inertia and the collective lurch forward becomes a herd on the move and then eventually….momentum. Like anything with
Category Archives: Announcements
The 2017 #SummerOfMOVE is nearing its end. Less than 1 week remains and now is the time to do something lasting and awesome. CLICK HERE to make a donation or learn more about the 2017 #STANDLegacyProject
Thanks to FireBreathingRubberDuckies’ Captain Leigh Langerwerf for creating the tutorial video below. **ONE NOTE** — to avoid confusion regarding “streaking points”: A player MUST log daily, to get bonus points for “streaking” — i.e. log at least 5 entries in a 7 day week. If you choose to log multiple entries on one day, you will get full “load” points,