Category Archives: Advisors

Wear & Tear & All Things Good

Wear & Tear & All Things Good

Written by: Sarah K. Greenhagen, DPT, GCS (@sarahgreenhagen) Maybe this sounds familiar…. You’ve started having pain while walking around the yard and going down the stairs and you’re getting frustrated. You approach your physician about your pain and frustrations and an X-ray is ordered. Maybe this worries you; Is something wrong? Injured perhaps? Breaking down? you wonder….You get a call back that

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Tools for PTs

Tools for PTs

Check this out….we’ve created the first of a suite of (FREE) simple tools for PTs who are involved in the initiative to begin using within their communities.  The idea is simple, if we can get PTs using these tools we can start to nudge them toward simple measures of risk and interventions they can bring to their communities.  In addition, it allows us

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FTY Ride Plan

Thanks for being a part of the advisory group…..take a look at the working plan to familiarize yourself with the high-level of what we’re trying to do here.  This page will be the workspace for those who have signed on to help to organize the initiative and is locked to the public.  We can add workspaces for sub-groups as needed.  For

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