Category Archives: Partner Clinics

Information pertaining to being a host-site or local captain

What do locks, keys and exercise have to do with each other?

What do locks, keys and exercise have to do with each other?

Our thanks to FreeTheYoke Sponsor Four Pines Physical Therapy and their staff & interns for writing this article Diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are familiar, loaded words. With these words come vague recollections of of high school biology class, or the names of people you know with one of these chronic health conditions. You may know someone

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Partner Clinics Wanted

Partner Clinics Wanted

People don’t realize most chronic disease is PREVENTABLE.  So, in an attempt at a record breaking act of defiance we’re starting a #MOVEment (the noun) and setting out to break a world record in celebration of movement (the verb) — we need you, join us