Category Archives: Articles

A 4-Point Dispatch From the Front Lines: Philly Edition

A 4-Point Dispatch From the Front Lines: Philly Edition

I’ve often thought of population health as “Macro-PT”. This was brought home to me on a trip to Philadelphia in September of 2017.  The concepts of universal design and health-oriented city planning have had a huge impact on my life, both by their presence and by their absence. I grew up in a town about an hour north of the city,

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Wear & Tear & All Things Good

Wear & Tear & All Things Good

Written by: Sarah K. Greenhagen, DPT, GCS (@sarahgreenhagen) Maybe this sounds familiar…. You’ve started having pain while walking around the yard and going down the stairs and you’re getting frustrated. You approach your physician about your pain and frustrations and an X-ray is ordered. Maybe this worries you; Is something wrong? Injured perhaps? Breaking down? you wonder….You get a call back that

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